
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Clouds - RIP Zach Sobiech

My Last Days - Zach Sobiech 

This documentary is truly amazing. Words cant explain how much Zach touches your heart. In life we often take things for granted, even life itself but for Zach life was cut too short. However, he didn't let Cancer get the better of him, he fought back with grace. In just a few short years Zach accomplished more than some of us ever will, he followed his dreams and he made them happen. 

It's not often that someone touches your life in a way that is invaluable and permanent, but Zach did just this. It is clear that he left footprints on every person he mets heart. Although it may not seem possible I can promise you watching his story and seeing him speak has touched my heart and influenced my life. 

Zach knew how to live life to the fullest every day. We don't often realise how simple happiness can be. And as Zach says, It is simply bringing a smile to someone else's face. 

Zach wanted to be remembered "as a kid who went down fighting and didn't really lose". Zach didn't lose at all. He accomplished more in his life than I could ever hope to in mine and I hope I touch just one persons life the way he touched so many. 

Just one of his legacy's, his song will be on repeat I promise you, it is truly amazing. 

Suddenly my problems do not matter anymore, thank you for all you taught me Zach.